Greetings and salutations lol,
hope all is well with everyone. K let's get to it lol,
I brainstormed something at work today with refrencebto this blog. I figure I don't want to give up blogging because it's just to good of a venting tool for me lol. I love the main point of sites like Twitter, that being say whatever yo want randomly 140 characters at a time. Still though I like using this for the same thing, just in a more organized manner. Hopefully it will make sense down the line lol.
What I plan on doing is using this for a week in review type thing, meaning I'll most lowly only post here once a week. I'm holding every Sunday evening. So yeah we'll try this out for a while...
Week of 9/14-9/21
Monday- began pretty comfortably. I had been sick the previous week and was truly just getting over the symptoms. Beig sick SUCKS. I had not struggled that much at a job in a while. I can't ever remember being so sick that I was about to pass out. Not since I was younger atleast. Anyhot that's an experience I would not like exeriencing the rest of this fall(wishful thinking maybe?) oh well lol...but yeah I got through Monday pretty str8..
Tuesday- was hectice, as it usualy is being that it is my busiest(sp) class/work day. Woke up around 1030 hateing that I continue to sleep in during the week but am able to hop my ass up fast as hell for work on Saturday and Sunday lol. So yeah I made it to class stupid late. If anybody reading this was ever in or still in college then you know parking is a biotch lol.. So yeah it was one Get car inspected
Clean car out
where I said eff t I'm late I'll take my time lol...I made it to class and was pretty str8 with what I caught on to. Math has always been a weak subject for me but wiu my added motivation from passing in summer school lol I figure I'll be fine. So yeah left class and definately went home and got lazy lol shouldve went to work but made that opposite move. I think I blamed it on still feeling "sick" so yeah missed that lol
hit biology at the six o'clock hour. Texted my way through lecture lol, then hit up lab and did my thing. I haven't taken Bio since 10th grade so you say I'm rusty lol but I'll figure that ish out too. Got home late after a Wally world run and then chilled for he rest of he night.
Wednesday- no class!!! Lol love my class scheule this semester...anyways I chilled for the most part until going to work then went and hit the mall wig friends. Also went and saw Tyler Perrys new joint,"I can do bad all by myself" It was a damn good movie. I didn't get as emotional as a lot of others did but I felt it lol...that was a fun day..
Thursday- more or less was the same as Tuesday except I didn't have a lab to go to.
Friday- chilled all day until gointo pick up a couple my pols. Ran aomeerrands and chilled mostly. Bought my touch:) which is what I'm using now lol to blog that is...
Saturday/Sunday- work work WORK...that's all I feel like I did lol that and ate, slept. Thank God I only see that building twice a week. I've been hearing that some "bad behind back" talking has been going on. Let's hope not lol
guess that's it people lol...mind you it's now 5 something in The morning, just doing this mock blog lol
I'm def. Aiming toward keeping this up. It helps internally lol
but yeah peace y'all.