Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
1 down, 2 to go..then the fun starts
Friday, December 26, 2008
"Its done"...My Christmas in Review
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
[2 more throwbacks]

very creative video I saw on YouTube...Lupe Fiasco's And He Gets The Girl...(shout out to those "tuba Players out there" lol)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Throw backs


YOOOOO I forgott I had did this lol
I was on my Charles Hamilton Brooklyn girl ish and you just so happnd to be going up to get your TAT lol
Anyways I hope you like my tribute lol haha
Sunday, December 21, 2008
What I could think of...(part 1 of ?)
So yeah, I’ve been trying to put together my thoughts in the last 24 hours or so and I been having a little trouble. No kind of writers block, it’s just so many things worth blogging about lately that I can’t keep up with myself almost.
With the way things are going now, I can’t wait till 09’ gets here. What an added bonus that the New Year is a mere 10 days or so away, and I’m on such a hot streak. Feels like I’m def. headed in the right direction. New job starts Monday; well at least the process begins. I go in to fill out a few forms, tax’s and all that, direct deposit. Just the usual shit, and then I have my first real day Tuesday.
When I wake up in the morning now, I’m actually feeling good vs. having feelings of doubt, shame, and sometimes depression. Things had not looked this great a few months ago…shit not even a few days ago. Don’t really know what happened, well maybe I do ;)…but the air def. smells different lol feel me? I’m walking with a different attitude, speaking with a different tone. It feels great yo.
Smiling right now, as I write. Lol I’m feeling great yo damn lol. Anyways, I’m thinking about all this extra legal tender, coinage, capital, mullah, principal, money that I’m about to gain from having this other job. I’m used to at least working 2, if not more. I’m comfortable in situations like that, cause any time I’m not making money, I’m just getting broke. Lol. I mean right? Lol. The list should go, gas, text books, food, cell phone, miscellaneous lol. Wait it should really go, gas, cell phone, food, and then text books and miscellaneous lol.
Man I’m stupid bored now, so I’ll let this go until I return. Lol
Saturday, December 20, 2008
My day...yesterday lol
Anyways though, Friday was decent for me. I guess I could announce that I did finally get word from that second job I had been waiting to hear from. They want me to come in Monday to fill out paper work an all that, and I believe I start sometime after new years. I'm nervously excited about this lol, but ready. I will def. enjoy this extra mula I'll be bringing in. Or putting up? lol I also found out that the "IN" network that I associate my phone service with, likes to play games.... a lot lol....
hmmm what else?
I figured out why i want to be a million miles from where I sit and type to you..
hmm what else...ummmmm
I think I should start giving music lessons;)
And yeah thats about it...
I hope I go to sleep again so I wont have to be up no more...since someee ppl want quiet time now...[head]
but yeah, im sure i'll hit this back up later. I need more followers lol all my friends hittn double digits while all Im hittn is a 6 pack...i love my 6 pack though lol you guys are great...
Friday, December 19, 2008
*sings*snap a photo and write some text...send it to blogger and we'll do the rest!
this goes out to....
guess ill vibe alone..:(
i shoulda put the remix..oh well
Come Close - Common
I dont know man. Damn, see the problem is, it's gonna be there forever lol feel me? Soooo if I put it on my body, well if whoever does it puts it on my body somewhere I'm gonna want it to be a good decision.
I already know it's gonna be something music related, since that's a major part of my life. It also might be City that make sense? Like where I'm from lol. Why a bunch of us always feel the need to rep where we are from is still a mystery to me, but I can't front and say that I don't do it. So yeah I need to go searching for something unique. Feels like that will be more of a challenge than I'm making it out to be. Damn I just realized I gotta figure out where I'm gonna put this thing too. I already know that neck, back, wrist, forearm, i think thats it but yeah I already know that's out...pain isn't relevant, but working is lol...And having anything visable like that is def. a no no. Thinking more on it, i think it'll probally go on my upper left or right arm...the most basic spot lol. We'll see though, for now I just need to find something to get...probally put some pic.s up later.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I posted earlier about wanting to make up some sort of business card to give out so that I could further promote my barbering lol...and
I can't come up with what to put on it..

I know I've def. done that in the past, gotten a card, read it, or not, then thrown it away or put it in my back pocket just for it to get messed up in the wash later lol..
so yeah I'm gonna keep brainstorming...
be back later ppl.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
fresh cutt

Just got out the lab...had to hit that mop[my head]
it had gotten a little rough in the last few days but sense I didn't have to do much over the weekend I wasn't paying attention...anyways my boy was like bruh you need to really make some buisness cards up and take this that how you spell that?lol...spell check...waiting...waiting...okay so yeah i was right lol anyways I digress...(u like that?)lol...I'm gonna get back wit cha hear with a couple designs after I work on it a are a couple of head shots...sorry for the lighting I was'nt really feeling like finding the digi cam. so I used the web cam...which

Monday, December 15, 2008
im ready
I'm ready though,
anyways, how bout them Panthers? I think we might take it...I hope so at least. That run game is SERIOUS. Just hope they stick to that as we get deeper in December and into January. Long as Delhomme keep throwing to Smith then we good too. & oh yeah, shouts to my Carolina Tar heels as well, they def. holding down that number one spot although Tyler's a little banged up. Wish that freshman dude, I forgott his name but I know he like 7' and he athletic as hell...anyways wish he hadnt of fucked his rist up...we would really be something to fuck wit...
but yeah I'ma get up out these work clothes and chill...probally watch...hmmm
so yeah,till then
Saturday, December 13, 2008
just can't help myself.
I guess school did take up a lot of my time cause' I never focus this much on anything but my job/school. And since im on vacation from work and school, I have nothin much else to do. Don't worry though, I'll keep this up...even if only a few people see this thing lol..
be back sooner then later.
listening to:
Lupe Fiasco's The Cool(no clip.lazy
I remember.
& this is why i go so damn hard...DAILY
its why I will never let my mom have broken blinds,sawed off door knobs, and dirty walls ever again.
Its why my sister is still my # 1 sidekick.
and is why God keeps me and mine, in his favor.
never forget what molded you..

Friday, December 12, 2008
Early Bird
well I can't lie, I haven't completely went to sleep yet...laid it down a few hours back, but I never got into that REM sleep you learn about in Psyc. Anyways, I love transformers animated ish...
[random moment of though]...I don't usually watch to many cartoons anymore, unless you count some amine...SOME AMINE lol not all..that ish get mad serious and some of it is borderline for me, lol so I won't watch...anyways i like the transfomers one cause' it looks like USA anime lol not sure where it orignated but yeah...back to my original post[end of random moment of thought transmision]
right, so anyways I was watching transformers animated series and one of the characters popped up, her name's Sari and she holds on to this little piece of the...don't qoute me for spelling but, the allspark?!? lol and its on her neck as a key..anyways that doesnt matter for what Im trying to type lol....she's real good friends with the autobots, inparticular bumblebee...I went to google and tried to see if I could find out why she's a character on the animated version since she's obviously not in the movie, unless i missed that..and a picture popped up of her and bumble was just really cool i had to post it lol..
keep in mind she's like 10 on the cartoon but is obviosly older in this picture.
Original Sari

anyways I'm gonna go lay it down and try to stop this random typing...
"come on girl lets goooo.."
..nodding to this Common right now..check out one of the better songs I think is featured on the album.
Punch Drunk Love - Common feat. Kanye West
[its another version with Pharell somewhere...I've seen Common perform it with him on youtube at one of his concerts...i like both versions...he just copies what Kanye is saying]
some say Common could have went in "harder" on the album only having 10 tracks, and a lot of different feels from Common...but I mean dude been doing his thing, acting and all that, so I don't blame him...he still making that good music..
well im out...for a few more minutes atleast lol