Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Bruh, Life really sucks sometimes. Yeah, sounds cliche(sp) but I don't care. Shit just sucks at times. Damn. I really want 2 feel different about everything. I know I'm blessed to wake up each morning, and please believe I thank God any and every chance I get. Really though, I thank him before I sleep, when I wake, during my shower, when Im walking to class lol, all that. But stuff just still feels so much more awkward then they should be. I see to many voids that shouldn't exist. Sucks man. Damn. Family acting...well, I guess the term would be "brand new". This is why I used to wish I wasn't the oldest when I was younger, or the only boy for that matter. Damn. Can't believe the same shit that pissed me off when I was 4, pisses me off now at 22. Seriously. I don't really want to hear, "thats life, get over it" cause I already understand that. Guess I just want to finally complain about it lol, I try not to so hard though. Life is what you make it. You shouldn't have to please anyone else but yourself, but thats bullshit when all you ever had your whole life was your sister and your mother. Those are the people I had/still have. Every move I make in some way or another has something to do with them and there approval, yet I still try to distance myself so that know one can say they did anything for me. Make sense? I dunno, def not going back and editing lol
ugghhh man im out,
hope shit clears itself out cause' I'm a couple steps from saying fuck it.
..not really
Monday, September 21, 2009
Figured it out
hope all is well with everyone. K let's get to it lol,
I brainstormed something at work today with refrencebto this blog. I figure I don't want to give up blogging because it's just to good of a venting tool for me lol. I love the main point of sites like Twitter, that being say whatever yo want randomly 140 characters at a time. Still though I like using this for the same thing, just in a more organized manner. Hopefully it will make sense down the line lol.
What I plan on doing is using this for a week in review type thing, meaning I'll most lowly only post here once a week. I'm holding every Sunday evening. So yeah we'll try this out for a while...
Week of 9/14-9/21
Monday- began pretty comfortably. I had been sick the previous week and was truly just getting over the symptoms. Beig sick SUCKS. I had not struggled that much at a job in a while. I can't ever remember being so sick that I was about to pass out. Not since I was younger atleast. Anyhot that's an experience I would not like exeriencing the rest of this fall(wishful thinking maybe?) oh well lol...but yeah I got through Monday pretty str8..
Tuesday- was hectice, as it usualy is being that it is my busiest(sp) class/work day. Woke up around 1030 hateing that I continue to sleep in during the week but am able to hop my ass up fast as hell for work on Saturday and Sunday lol. So yeah I made it to class stupid late. If anybody reading this was ever in or still in college then you know parking is a biotch lol.. So yeah it was one Get car inspected
Clean car out
where I said eff t I'm late I'll take my time lol...I made it to class and was pretty str8 with what I caught on to. Math has always been a weak subject for me but wiu my added motivation from passing in summer school lol I figure I'll be fine. So yeah left class and definately went home and got lazy lol shouldve went to work but made that opposite move. I think I blamed it on still feeling "sick" so yeah missed that lol
hit biology at the six o'clock hour. Texted my way through lecture lol, then hit up lab and did my thing. I haven't taken Bio since 10th grade so you say I'm rusty lol but I'll figure that ish out too. Got home late after a Wally world run and then chilled for he rest of he night.
Wednesday- no class!!! Lol love my class scheule this semester...anyways I chilled for the most part until going to work then went and hit the mall wig friends. Also went and saw Tyler Perrys new joint,"I can do bad all by myself" It was a damn good movie. I didn't get as emotional as a lot of others did but I felt it lol...that was a fun day..
Thursday- more or less was the same as Tuesday except I didn't have a lab to go to.
Friday- chilled all day until gointo pick up a couple my pols. Ran aomeerrands and chilled mostly. Bought my touch:) which is what I'm using now lol to blog that is...
Saturday/Sunday- work work WORK...that's all I feel like I did lol that and ate, slept. Thank God I only see that building twice a week. I've been hearing that some "bad behind back" talking has been going on. Let's hope not lol
guess that's it people lol...mind you it's now 5 something in The morning, just doing this mock blog lol
I'm def. Aiming toward keeping this up. It helps internally lol
but yeah peace y'all.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
New ish!
guess I'll ask again who the hell am I talking to? Lol oh well maybe I'll get some Twitter readers lol yeah I said it. The whole reason I been absent is because of Twitter lol my bad blogger I just lost my mojo but hopefully it's back and stuff. Anyways I'm doing well just trying to figure out life iguess lol cornyyyy Lol anyways I got a new toy:)
I have been a pro blackberry ani iPhone person for a while lol but like I never haD a big problem with iPods. iPod touchs to be exact. Look, long story short,this thing is the SHIT. If you haven't guessed I'm blogging from it now lol
Here is my advice to anybody contemplating a phone decision. If you like the all in one combo, phone with music Internet blah blah blah then the iPhones cool BUT I think it's just to expensive. I have a BB that u only spend about 80 on a month. With the touch I get eery feature minus the camera that the iPhone has. And everything I download is free lol so yeah...
Anyways this is my I'm back blog lol...I have some BB memo pad blogs to post later and mad other ish to talk about, later lol
But yeah stay blessed.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Anyway, I did a lot today, well yesterday rather. Life feels great when you actually utilize the time you're blessed with. That make sense?maybe not, who cares though cause I still don't think anybody reads this lol.
Randomly I just realized how much I hate that my car is f*ckin up left and right lol, oh well though ill make due. Shit I'm bored as hell now and beginning to realize how random this blog is going to be when I read back over it lol,
Damn I should go to sleep.
"She's my little quarter back, yah digg? Cause' I'm all that in the sack, yah digg?" -Jigga
K its time for some sleep lol
g'night all
Saturday, June 27, 2009
u know I had to do it lol
Monday, May 25, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Even though nobody reads this(most likely)
But yeah ill be back.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
from the little corner in the back of the room
Yes, I am in the library and actually getting some work done. I felt like I should use my "free" resources lol even if I have waited till damn near the end of the semester to do so. I've just never truly ever been a "library" guy. Like I usually just get in my room at home and go to work. But yeah this is pretty cool. And seeing as how I've procrastinated a lot lately, this is a good way for me to catch up without getting distracted at home, although i'm here on BLOGGER right now lol. Anyways let me get back to this stuff here, be back later.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
So anyway what's up blogger??
Nothing here with me.
I should really be studying but I just keep finding other stuff to occupy my attention. Don't worry though, eventually I'll get to it...for real lol I'm not just saying that.
Anyways, I've just been thinking a lot today. Randomly catching myself off topic, or well like dazing off into something else completely opposite of what I was doing. Did it in the store, in the car on the road(which is probably not a good look)and even in the bathroom lol I was shaving(also probably not a good look). Random ish just keeps popping into my mind. Nothing to serious, just stuff about money, my situation in a few months, you know like where I see myself, and even stuff like I wonder what such and such is doing blah blah blah. All just random lol.
After I realized that I've been doing this all day I started to wonder was it on purpose or was I just looking to deep into this whole situation lol, and you know I probably am. But hey, it's something to type about lol because I find it harder and harder to figure out stuff to put here, when like I try to...like If i log on to post for no reason or haven't had anything going on, well its like pointless lol. I get here then I babble(like I am now) and then I leave. The mobile ish though will help because I can finally have a way to type str8 here as sooooooooooooon as something happens lol or runs across my mind, or whatever. Thats why I like this thing though, it's completely random. What a great thing for such a random person(me)
Anyways I'm going to find something to do or try to get lost in thought again lol, I'll get at this at some point soon.
till next time,
Monday, April 13, 2009
Anyways, Whats up blogger?
Everything good here, Just chillin on the couch.
I'm trying to figure out what to talk about..hmmm..
Oh I know I was on some phone review site earlier...Im debating on either going blackberry or iPhone
I mean yeah I know what both phones are good and bad for...I just wonder which one I'll be happiest with. Probably either or honestly, but I dunnoe at the same time.
Oh well though, it's cool to think about but it will be a long while before I make a decision on that. I have other ish to pay for lol
So yeah If you look up top, you'll notice my new glasses...wait, here look down..

Don't mind the pose lol I was trying to look good andddd hit the button lol multi-tasking..
Its hard to get used to something constantly being on your face, but I'll deal because my vision has gotten 10x's better.
So yeah anywaysss Im bored as hell..guess i'll watch some more ESPN.
Friday, April 10, 2009
ongoing struggle
Can I or anybody else be held responsible for things I don't know about? Like, am I expected to be a mind reader? Expected to understand things for which I never knew existed between us?
I've said time and time again to folks(couples), that people who don't communicate,won't know two things: Who THEY are and what THEIR relationship is.
It's shared, whether its accepted or not...the relationship I mean.
This goes for anything, friendships, bf/gf relationships, marriages, etc.
You cannot expect anyone to know whats going on with you if you don't get at the other person with your problems, insecurities. It's understood how hard that can be at times, but when that other person is trying to work with you on it, you don't just let the guy/girl look stupid. Acknowledge that they are trying and do your DAMN best to try and help the situation, don't hurt it.
Now, mind you I am not a professional on this stuff, its just how I feel and what I've figured out in my experiences dealing with similar situations.
I have been going through a "situation" where I feel like things don't seem like they will change for the better. But I have to keep reminding myself...
"When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit."
Damn that was long lol but true.
Forreal i was going to post about how bad I feel and how mad I am that I feel like things will never turn out how I want...but I've realized, The harder I go, the better I get...and even if things don't turn out how I may want them to, something great will come about sooner or later. And I wan't to stick around to see that later, no matter how long it takes.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
[at work]3.28.09
at work again.
bored...nah lol
I don't even think that's much funny anymore lol because I'm never bored "working" while online, and doing random things.
Anyways I'm just trying to pass the few minutes I have left on my lunch break.
Today's been a good day. I woke up extra early, but didn't feel sleepy at all.
I wen't to be rather late, but that was due to the fact that I had slept earlier in the evening so I was kinda rested.
I took an extended shower lol. Then got dressed, even ate breakfast and still had enough time to cruise to work. I usually drive fast as hell just to be 5 minutes early, but today It wasn't any traffic. I even listened to some music...see usually I can't stand talking in the mourning or any type of loud noise lol...and I know your probally saying to yourself, "well why not just listen to soft music, or turn the ish down?" lol well see I don't like hearing anything at all but my car running if I have to lol. Don't know why. It's just I notice more and more how cranky I can really be in the mourning. I would'nt say that I'm not a mourning person but i def. don't like to exert much energy when I do get up. Today was diffrent though lol
I've been doing little online assignments for class, and work. I've even started planning out April, as far as what I already know I have to do and what not.
Im super excited about my new bank account. Not as if I'm rich or about to be cake'n off it, it's just neat when you get that fresh debit card lol. I've been using my one account now since I was in highschool, and allthough I had to re-new the card last September, it was still the same ish, same code, all that lol...so getting with this new bank(notice I havnt said the name lol I dont want to)...it feels good. Like a new toy you can't play with to much or you'll break it...or in this case go broke! lol
I feel super balanced right now. Mellow as hell.
Scratch that, mellow as heaven lol. hell don't seem to mellow...
I heard TI got a year and one day in court yesturday.
I hope he pull through, which I know he will. He's intelligent beyond his years, and like the reporters keep saying...you just believe that guy when he speaks...whether he's rapping, or apologizing and owening up to his mistakes. His show on MTV, Road to Redemption, hit hard in a lot of peoples minds and it was def. a good look in my opinion. I hope that when he does get up 366 days from whenever he starts his stent that he goes super hard. Only thing Id be mad at if i was him is, why the hell they give me a day after a year lol...like come on Judge, really?lol...a year and a damn day...Id be in jail like damn I just did 365 straight days, and these ni99as want me to do one more #%(**W#U day? lol check my abbreviated "curse words" ugly lol
But yeah he'll pull through, and I can't wait till he get out. It's always exciting to see what an artist has thought of while incarcerated.
Anyways I think that's about it for now, I'ma get at this later.
Putting pictures up of the glasses I buy lol yeah Im that bored and or boring...oh well lol
Friday, March 27, 2009
By SCHUYLER DIXON, Associated Press Writer
DALLAS (AP)—A police officer was placed on administrative leave Thursday over a traffic stop involving an NFL player whom he kept in a hospital parking lot and threatened to arrest while his mother-in-law died inside the building.
Officer Robert Powell also drew his gun during the March 18 incident involvingHouston Texans running back Ryan Moats in the Dallas suburb of Plano, police said.
“I can screw you over,” he said at one point in the videotaped incident. When another officer came with word that Moats’ mother-in-law was indeed dying, Powell’s response was: “All right. I’m almost done.”
Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle apologized to the family and announced that Powell would be on paid leave pending an internal investigation.
“When we at the command staff reviewed the tape, we were embarrassed, disappointed,” Kunkle said. “It’s hard to find the right word and still be professional in my role as the police chief. But the behavior was not appropriate.”
Powell, 25, a three-year member of the force, stopped Moats’ SUV outside Baylor Regional Medical Center at Plano after Moats rolled through a red light.
Police officials said Powell told his commanders he believed he was doing his job, and that he drew his gun but did not point it. Kunkle said Powell was not necessarily acting improperly when he pulled his weapon out, but that once he realized what was happening should have put the gun back, apologized and offered to help the family in any way.
“His behavior, in my opinion, did not exhibit the common sense, the discretion, the compassion that we expect our officers to exhibit,” Kunkle said.
Moats’ wife, who was in the car along with other relatives, said Powell pointed his weapon at her.
“He was pointing a gun at me as soon as I got out of the car,” Tamishia Moats told The Dallas Morning News.
The Moats family did not immediately return messages left by The Associated Press. Powell did not respond to requests for comment through the Dallas police union.
Video from a dashboard camera inside the officer’s vehicle, obtained by Dallas-Fort Worth station WFAA-TV, revealed an intense exchange in which the officer threatened to jail Moats.
He ordered Tamishia Moats, 27, to get back in the SUV, but after pausing for a few seconds, she and another woman rushed into the hospital. She was by the side of her mother, 45-year-old Jonetta Collinsworth, when she died a short time later from breast cancer.
“Get in there,” said Powell, yelling at Tamishia Moats as she exited the vehicle. “Let me see your hands!”
“Excuse me, my mom is dying,” Tamishia Moats said. “Do you understand?”
Ryan Moats explained that he waited until there was no traffic before proceeding through the red light. When Powell asked for proof of insurance, Moats grew more agitated and told the officer to go find it.
“My mother-in-law is dying! Right now! You’re wasting my time!” Moats yelled. “I don’t understand why you can’t understand that.”
As they argued, the officer got irritated.
“Shut your mouth,” the officer said. “You can either settle down and cooperate or I can just take you to jail for running a red light.”
By the time the 26-year-old NFL player received a ticket and a lecture from Powell, about 13 minutes had passed. When he and Collinsworth’s father entered the hospital, they learned Collinsworth was dead.
Kunkle said the video showed that Moats and his wife “exercised extraordinary patience, restraint in dealing with the behavior of our officer.”
“At no time did Mr. Moats identify himself as an NFL football player or expect any kind of special consideration,” Kunkle said. “He handled himself very, very well.”
The Moats family, who are black, said they can’t help but think that race might have played a part in the white officer’s behavior.
“I think he should lose his job,” Ryan Moats said.
When the exchange was at its most contentious, Powell said he could tow Moats’ SUV if he didn’t have insurance and that he could arrest him for fleeing because he didn’t immediately stop when Powell turned on his sirens. The pursuit lasted a little more than a minute.
“I can screw you over,” Powell said. “I’d rather not do that. Your attitude will dictate everything that happens.”
The ticket issued to Moats was dismissed, Dallas police spokesman Lt. Andy Harvey said.
Texans spokesman Kevin Cooper said the team had no comment.
Moats, a third-round draft choice of the Philadelphia Eagles in 2005 out of Louisiana Tech, was cut by the Eagles in August and later signed with the Texans. In three seasons as a backup, he’s rushed for 441 yards and scored four touchdowns.
He was a standout at Bishop Lynch High School, a private school in Dallas, rushing for more than 2,600 yards and 33 touchdowns as a senior.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Reflecting back.."the week that was" lol
figured it out yet?lol work!!!
Yeah. It seems like the only time I can put focus on writing these things is during my random "off" time during my shift at work. It's cool though. I guess you could look at it as me reflecting on my week. So that's what I think I will do, reflect.
Let's see...
Well, Monday started off with me taking a late mid-term for Spanish. Since we had spring break the previous week, and a few random snow storms, we ended up having to wait to take the mid-term till after break was done. It was "okay". I didn't knock it out the park but it was still all good. I had plans on meeting up with my boy later in the week, so that was something to look forward to. See, he moved about a year ago and he has had plans on moving back up here, so our plans collectively are to move in to a place and share rent and what not. You'll here about this more in a minute...
Tuesday brought about a day off for me, but more work to complete. I ended up withdrawing from my History class I was in, just because there was no real reason for me to be in it other than to just have a "fuller" schedule of classes. I'm already caught up on those classes and it wasn't part of my major load. So yeah that happened.
Wednesday my boy came through and we chilled and what not. At first he was not about to stay long because of a "emergency" call from his girl. Well, to her it was emergency. Long story short he ended up staying and we chilled, had a pretty straight time. While he was here, he was amped up and ready to move. But soon after he got back home he flipped the script and it seemed as if he didn't want to come, well that and the fact that he basically said, "nah, I don't want to come till about another year"..lol I was like damn man, while you was here it was cool, but oh well. I will admit I was mad, but I can't be completely un-understanding about it because we talked about 6 months from now moving, well August/September. And I mean that's half a year, so another 6 months wouldn't completely be to off. I may be making my own move though, solo, but I'll keep you posted on that.
Brought about some more chill/off time for me. I did work for Friday's English class and just relaxed. Had another talk with my boy, and some things got aired out. I mean I basically told my peace and he said his. So we aren't completely throwing out the idea that we could be moving in 6 months, but if it doesn't happen like that, the end of the world won't come lol. We will just have to make plans for something else, even if I end up making my own plans.
English class was boring, but productive lol. I turned in my work and just relaxed like I usually do in that class. It's held inside this media, computer room where the news paper people type up and print all there articles. Since the class is only on Friday's, it really doesn't matter where we have class in that building, so we do it in there. I chilled with my bungalow head(mentioned in a post back I think) and we just caught up. Well we ran some errands, chilled, argues(just a little) but then brought it back. It was serious but nothing to out of the ordinary. Just expressing opinions and coming to a mutual agreement on most of what we spoke about. No, this isn't my girl, nor is she potentially going to be. That boat hasn't sailed past and won't for a while. Just clarifying that lol.
Well, im here typing to whoever is reading this besides the voice inside my head lol *pause* don't want people thinking I'm a nut. You know how you read stuff over after or during the time you type it and you here yourself? lol okay let me stop before I sound anymore crazier.
I hope SUNDAY is a productive day, although I try to do as least as possible. I will be at work, again however so maybe you'll get another one of these posts lol.
But yeah back to work I go. I'm glad this thing took me away from what I was doing here, atleast for a few minutes anyway.
Hope to hit this up later,
Sunday, March 15, 2009
yet again, I write to thee, from work lol.
Bored? Sort of.
Well, I am lol but oh well..
Anyways, My little bungalow head just called me lol she's cool.
Anyhow ya boy is just chilling' at work..
nothing to really talk about.
I miss Tasha..so if she reads this she should TEXT/CALL/TEXT me lol
Oh, and surprisingly I miss school lol...spring break is cool but it's mad long.
Damn there's nothing to really talk about lol
Oh so yeah, I'm going to try and spell check these blogs more lol. Besides the random (lol) statements, I should try and be a little more critical with that. Or maybe I'm just so super bored that I'm making myself do it. lol Who cares
Well this is going in circles, or is about to so I'm going to hit it back later.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
at trabajar(work in espanol...I think lol)
So hey, it might not be a big deal...this is my 50th post lol..cool
Not making a big deal of it, it just looks cool.
but yeah Im honestly just doing this blog out of sheer boredom.
Heres the science of it all...at my job I do a few diffrent activities...I monitor/answer/and make phone calls...I also patrol the building randomly just to make sure things are working in proper order, as its the weekend and nobody's really here to do it...so yeah...like frontdesk security?without the security lol...During the week its a lot more difficult because there is constant flow, but on the weekends it's mad chill..
I just turn on some jazz music..yeah jazz lol, and just melow out.
I almost always want to fall asleep, so I have to make up something Caffieneish lol..hotchocalate/cappacino/sugar/3 creamers/2 sugars/ its probally bad as hell for me but I damn sure am not falling asleep anymore lol...its only like the second time i've made it though. I'm usually wide awake when i get here but not today..
Anyways just an update, spring break is coming to a close and I didn't do to much.
In the beg. of the week I attended my grandparents 52nd Wedding anny...it was cool to see so many people I didn't know lol, mad cousins/aunts/uncles and all that.
But after that, I really didn't do much. Hung out here and there, mostly chilled/slept and ate lol
Now its time to go back to class, but I can't say its all bad...I'm getting closer and closer to moving the fuck out...tired of taking care of everybody else, time for M.E to do M.E.<
But yeah I think im done for now with this post, i'll hit this back later.
oh yeahhhhhh lol
This week im opening a second bank account with Wacovia. I heard they got bought out or something, or the name change is coming...but who cares lol I don't want bank of America and besides SECU(State Employee's Credit Union), Wacovia has the most reliable ATM resource...like I can get to them both a lot faster then I would any other bank's ATM...so yeah lol hitting that up soon, and this blog LATER lol