Friday, January 30, 2009

on chill

so yeah my day is over, finally..
had mad classes  all day, well it felt like it.  Did two papers, an outline and some Spanish.
just chilln now,
Waitin for this superbowl..think the Steelers will when, but since the Cardinals beat the Panthers a few weeks back I'll go for them...not jumping on the bandwagon just saying lol I'll go for whoever beat my squad.
Either way Im not as excited as I usually am about the Super Bowl...most of the time I'll be thinking about it during the week but It hasnt really come across, sept for when I look at ESPN.  Think Im more happy that we gon drink a little somethin, eat some good food and be with Family...Even though I don't get off till about 2 hours before it starts, I'll still enjoy.

I 4got I meant to put this cause its been on my mind...
I heard if you buy shoes for somebody, the superstition is that they'll walk out of your life or something like that...Does that only apply to bf/gf? or can it extend to well I just did that, bought some shoes for somebody....I guess you could say at one time we was together but we are friends now...We had a good time while we went out but it was pretty mutual when we broke up so we stayed times it feels like im still with her, cause of how cool we are and the chemistry...but i make sure to let myself know what it is very quickly...anyways i bought her some shoes for her won't say what for fear she might read here but they hot don't worry...but yeah, I mean I personally don't believe in that "saying" just wanted to bring it up..I wonder do ppl really believe in some of those superstitions..I dunnoe lol but anyways
Guess Ima go get busy doing something else, hit this up later

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Man it been raining allllll day.

Just thought Id let yall know lol..back later

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


So yeah I'm just vibe'n today...doing some work, listening to some music..reflecting.
Wanted to come here and be random..
oh yeah, them pictures from when it I have some
They just pictures from my homie dorm room...had to get an up top view..(I don't know photography terminology lol)

But yeah it wasn't deep just yet but It was coming...this was around 10A.M. or something.

Feel bad for staff who came to work that mourning not knowing it would snow, then they had to walk the entire campus putting out that salt stuff..
But yeah it was fun while it lasted, we was out the whole day and the next day pretty much...Well there was an delay the second day but It didn't effect me or my class's.
Anyways Ima get back on this work, hit this up later.

Monday, January 26, 2009


What up,
Just stopping by checking in...I still haven't posted back to back to back days in a while...I'm falling off y'all lol
but yeah ain't nothing really been going on...I been so focused on the same ol ish(school&work)
I'm enjoying everything that's going on, even though everything seems 10 x's harder in 09'...Don't think I have ever started a new year this hard...really since right before the new year...I think mid-December is when it started and it don't feel like I've stopped.
I still haven't found anytime to check out NOTORIOUS...mad about that since I'm probably the only person who hasn't seen it by now...shit I don't even know what else is in the theaters right now lol...MALL COP?? lol I just saw the commercial, but I like Kevin James...random
I'll have a break soon enough...I already took a couple days off for this week just so I could focus on homework and sleep...but then I'm going hard again for most of February...
Can't wait for spring break though...Nothing planned, just always liked that break during school.

But yeah on another note, RIP Kay Yow...She was the coach at NC STATE for Women's B. Ball...she passed away earlier this week after battling breast cancer....I never really followed State's Girls team other then the fact that I know who the coach was...but I mean she was a cool character to follow...She made it very known what she was going through and fought every step it seems like...again RIP..

ummmm lets see what else...
lol yooo random I was watch Kat Williams last night, funny as hell stillll....I heard dat nicca had went crazy or something though, or something was wrong wit him I dunnoe...but I know he funny as hell..I can't get tired of his comedy..

But yeah class Monday through Friday basically...sept for bout to hit some of this back later

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Yeah yeah I know everybody and literally they mama lol have been posting stuff all day, and yelling about stuff all day...but I'm still going to also lol
I'm just as happy as I want to be right now.
Really feels like a major step has been taken forward...Man I'm just so glad that this day came, and can't wait to see what will happen next.
I plan on doing a future post on what I expect to happen soon and other

but yeah guess what happened today?
IT SNOWED. lol people was loosing they minds last night, then it looked like it wasn't going to happen..then all of a sudden er body wake's up and its about 5 inches or so on the ground...Yeah yeah I know that's not a lot to some off y'all who might get 10 well not 10 feet but you know what I'm trying to say...but I mean down here since we get a mix of everything, people like to get super cautious.

Ima post some pic.s of it later..
now I have to do homework since I know atleast one of my profesors are gonna have class tmrw, and the University is opening at basically I gotta atleast attempt to go

be back later people..

Monday, January 12, 2009


What up people!
Mannn im so glad to finally have a break from homework, work work...yeah work work...and any and everything else that has been keeping me to busy, or lazy, or tired from coming has been going on and on and on as usuall...Classes are going hard like always...and I havent been sleeping at all lol nah joking every chance i get I been tryin to lay it down...I been sick the last I dont know how many days but It hasnt stopped me to much, I think like a day or two it was bad as hell but Im str8 now...anyways let me catch up on some ish Im mad at..since its on my mind lol
Carolina[Panthers]-What the fuck man llol we was supposed to do it up, chicken, drinks;)..all that lol I was supposedddd to be watching you guys kick whoever's ass later this what the hell man....oh well better luck next year right?maybe you guys will finally run ANDDD pass and not be guessing what works anymore....Steve Smith cough cough is the best Wide Out atleast in my book he is...cause he's like 5'9 or something&he's a beast!!!...
Carolina[Tarheels]-What The fucking fuck lol now the panthers already fucked up...but alteast it was the end of the year and the shut a lot of folks up early...although they was fucking up still lol they was still where they was supposed to be by the end of the year....what the hell are yall doing???? i think we've dropped 2 str8 and on top of the freakin ACC lol...whats good Tyler????lets get it going Psyco T!! lol shit man we possed to take it too, its your last year man I'ma be sad to see you go seing as how we both came into college same year lol so now who do I look at? lol I already know Ty Lawson is leaving, Danny Green too damn he a senior as well...shit Wayne might stay but who knows...and as for the rest of the guys, I have no clue what they gon do but Im worried the team gonna be so young next year that its gonna be one of those re-building seasons...Anyway though I got faith in my boys, They just figuring ish out still thats all...hope we dont drop no more though cause going 0-2 this early in the ACC isnt always good...any lower and we might be in trouble

notice how much I said "we" like I play for these teams or something lol Im just a die hard "Carolina Fan" whether it be Panthers or the Tarheels...and NO its not just cause im from here lol I really love those two teams...even since Carolina had Kerry Collins lol remember???? and Tim is that how u spell his name?lol still though thats wayyyyyyyy back lol die hard!

So yeah thats really it sports
Hmmmm what else,
I guess I've been sticking true to my "new years resolution"...but you know what I hate using that fraise or whatever as a point of refrence to something I want to work on or do this year...becasue i feel like its shit from 08' I never even touched lol so why am I starting so fresh now? I mean I've got new ideas, and new things I want to well as things from the past that still need to be worked on...Some people like to create this vision in their minds that say well hey last year sucked so this year will be better...true, I guess if you work at it...but aren't you really just continuing what you was trying to fix last time?I mean how new is it for most of us to say hey, Im gon loose some wheight lol or hey, i need to save money...shit you better be lol the way this economy is looking...People also like to say Im getting rid of all the bullshit in  my life, including the people...(bullshit people) lol...and like I hear it and ssee it on peoples blogs, status's on facebook, myspace...but I mean by the time July and August hit,ppl is steady complaining on they same websites or whatever...damn people get on my nerves, damn bullshit is old now, time for a change lol...dont get me wrong, i fall into bad habbits like just saying im not one to say, hey im working on something new, when I know damn well Its just a backspin from last year...I got to much going on to be thinking up new shit, when I know last year still didnt work 100%...I just think its good to continue your work on what you wanted to do previsouly meanwhile adding new ideas to it, in a way spicing it that you dont get bored of it...but dont stray away....Change is good, spareingly(spell that right?)...but to much change can become normal, and when something is it considered a change anymore? it gets old...worn out...and then lol something new HAS to come...which constantly spins this circle...maybe Im babbling and not making sense lol but atleast this blog long shit I havnt typed this much in a minute....anyways
I guess though its cool if you want to start over...cause now that I read this over and over, Im thinking well damn what if you been tryin gto work on something since maybe you do need to start fresh..just dont start over every 2 months thinking oh well i give up...i hate that...i mean 4-6 months maybe  a year..okay...but like new years was 2 weeks ago...if you already trying to start something new now lol then damn what the hell yah know?
Shit i dunnoe im just i just seen that on some tv show,
umm yeah though ALL YALL lol just do you this year...I think thats the best way to go about working out change is by to do you, THINK MORE as well as REFLECT MORE...however you do it...praying, talking, blogging whatever it is you do...

I know I will be lol, 
Anywayssss I think thats enough lol I'll see this blank white space soon...untill then

Friday, January 9, 2009

from my bed

I get to complain about feeling
nah trying to keep a smile rather then a frown, but its toughhhhhhhh
Been working stupid stupid stupid stupid hard, but its all good...Drinking this juice, blowing air through this tissue[gross?sorry]
Head feels like the stuntman for Nick Cannon in drumline(beatn)
lol corny...see what the sickness does???
Anyways I just felt like I had to put something here in this empty top column of my blog. I miss it...maybe my head will clear later and something can be read here other then me telling u I'm sick.

stay tuned:
work progress report
class's started...
"i need a girl"part 1

be back,

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

On my ish

So yeah a few days into this "new" year, I been grindin', seriously. that sounded funny when I read it back
I been doing real good at my new job, stackin up maddd hours and getting things in order.
I was supposed to start class today but won't "Officially" go until next just need more break time....sike nah I emailed my teachers and let them know what was going on with me.  Today(Wednesday) being the first day of class, and for most "out of towners" the first day moving back, or wasn't really to big a deal to miss.  But I'll def. have to be there Monday, and will be. 
that make sense?lol
But yeah, I plan on renewing my blogger card and being the usual user I usually am lol.
I love coming here and typing whatever i want, after I sit and type all day for somebody else(my job)...
And damn I been working my other job too, did I mention that?..probaly not
But that job has always been pie for me, don't even really see it like work.

But yeah folks, I been goin hard,and dont plan on stopping anytime soon...ima hit this up later though, 
