I'm making myself blog right now lol.
I haven't done a serious, consistent one in so long that I feel weird even being signed on lol...back in late 2008, early 2009 I was heavy on this. Since then its been a bunch of random, false promises of blogging lol...Even though I'm still sure that no one will every read this--I will still do it for self fulfilment.
So yeah,
I've been going through it (low key might I add) emotionally. Caught between feelings. One of those on the one hand..blah blah blah...but on the other hand..blah blah blah..type situations lol
I'm not really trying to figure out what to do about it, but I would honestly rather not be dealing with it. It kinda boils down to me being single, and to not beat around the bush, single life sucks...NO this has nothing to do with V day. I've celebrated that "holiday" a lot the last few years. Whether with friends or that "one", and I understand the commercialism about it. You know--the whole get your girl/guy flowers and candy and a bear and whatever else. I participate and indulge in those gifts myself lol but see when I am with someone, I treat them special 365, however random or weird...I don't pick one day to show up and show out--feel me?
Anyways I'm really just not digging this single life. Kinda want something to happen now, opposite of how I had been feeling. Being single is one thing, but living along day to day sucks lol--just need somebody I can grind with (no pun intended) and can grow with. Not looking for kids or marriage, but damn I do wish I just had that support system that I could depend on.
Oh well, we'll def. see what happens.
I'll try to make it back to this thing later.