Friday, December 26, 2008

"Its done"...My Christmas in Review

So Christmas day has come and gone.  Sooo, now what?lol...I won't lie and say I wasn't counting down the weeks, days, but not for those same reasons as before when I was younger.  The last few years spent celebrating this holiday have been different...yeah different is the word.  I was really just ready for it to be over with to be honest.  I love the family camaraderie[is that how u spell that?,even with spell check?lol..T where the hell you at to spell check me..:)] yeah I love that and the fact that everybody puts on they happy face so at least for a few hours we can all get along.  

The food was great, the stories where embarrassing.  The presents where appreciated, since I didn't ask for anything.  Seems like the older I get, and the more money I make, the less I need to wait for a present lol...but anything spent on my behalf is greatly appreciated.  Ummm, wish I could have spent time with a few extra special people, extra special person..ultra special maybe?..(inside)

It's all good though cause all in all I had a great holiday, and in my grandfathers words...hope we ALL can enjoy many many more to come.

Speaking of him, HAPPY  BIRTHDAY AND HOLIDAY TO HIM.  His birthday was on Christmas Day...
He still making it, going strong...80 years now, and still got jokes for days lol.

Anyways I guess any holiday spent with Family is a great one...even though some family is salty, other are fake...I guess it could suck lol but u just gotta make the best of it...i know theres atleast one relative, friend or somebody u can get along with...mine was my ipod lol, joking joking...but yeah hope everyone had a excellent Holiday and is looking forward to a brand new exciting year...Lets get it in the best way...

be back later for my new years preview lol


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